
The role of the Māori Climate Commissioner will be to:


  • Provide independent Māori-focused research and advice that will contribute to Aotearoa meeting its obligations under the 2015 Paris Agreement on greenhouse-gas-emissions;
  • Promote the Māori world view as a model to help Aotearoa meet its obligations.
  • Support education campaigns and activities that will enable Māori to participate in the economic opportunities presented by Aotearoa’s commitment to the Paris Agreement;
  • Campaign for policy settings that will help Aotearoa meet its obligations;
  • Promote an indigenous world view that works to transform world views harmful to the earth into practices rooted in indigenous tikanga.


Who will the Maori Climate Commissioner work with? 
  • Māori Carbon Farmers
  • The Māori Carbon Foundation in representing the interests of landowners.
  • The Māori Carbon Social Trust to support the development of landowner communities
  • Iwi, Hapu, Government, Local Government, Polluters, Environmental Activists, Native Forest Scientists, Indigenous Peoples